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EventClick simplifies event management on your WordPress site, enabling you to manage events, organizers, speakers, and reviews while providing robust features for ticket sales and payment handling. This guide will walk you through the features, shortcodes, and usage of the EventClick plugin.

Plugin Features

  • Event Management: Manage upcoming and past events with ease.
  • Event Scheduling: Create detailed schedules for your events.
  • Organizers and Speakers: Showcase event organizers and speakers.
  • Event Reviews: Collect and display event ratings and reviews.
  • Ticket Sales: Effortlessly sell tickets with Stripe and PayPal integration.
  • User Dashboard: Allow users to manage their event activities.
  • Login and Registration: Enable user authentication.
  • Payment System: Integrated Stripe and PayPal payment gateways.
  • Platform Commission: Set platform commission rates for ticket sales.
  • Shortcodes: Use customizable shortcodes for event-related content.
  • Google Maps Integration: Display event locations with Google Maps.
  • Admin Dashboard: Manage all aspects of events from a centralized admin interface.
  • Event Single Page: Dedicated pages for individual events.

File Include

The installable zip file


Go Dashboard → Plugins → Add New and install the plugin using the installable zip file.

How to use

EventClick Dashboard

Accessing the Enhanced settings:

  • 1. Go to your WordPress admin area.
  • 2. Navigate to EventClick or EventClick → Dashboard

The header section of the EventClick Dashboard will display key metrics, including Total Events, Total Revenue, Tickets Sold, and Total Reviews. Below the header, the dashboard will provide section-wise insights, such as Upcoming Events, Past Events, Organizer List, and Speaker List. This layout ensures that the admin can easily monitor and understand the current status of all events.

  • Total Events: Displays the total number of events, categorized into Upcoming Events and Past Events, helping admins and users quickly assess the event count and their current statuses.

  • Total Revenue: Highlights the total revenue generated from events, providing an easy way to monitor overall sales performance.

  • Total Sold: Shows the total number of tickets sold, enabling the admin to track the overall ticket sales volume efficiently.

  • Total Reviews: Displays the total number of unique reviews submitted by attendees, offering a clear view of user feedback and engagement.

Create Events

Navigate to EventClick → Create New Event in the dashboard.
The event creation process consists of four steps:

  • 1. Overview
  • 2. Contact
  • 3. Gallery
  • 4. Tickets

Follow each step to complete the event creation process.

OverView: Fill in all the required and additional information, then click the “Create Event” button. To create organizer & speaker click here. And to create tags and categories click in here.

Contact: Once the new event is created, proceed to the next tab, Contact, and complete all the required details in that section.

Gallery: Third Step is the Gallery. In this section admin can add Images and Videos. And admin can select one image as the cover image.

Ticket: In this section, you can add multiple tickets and set their pricing for the event. To create new tickets, click on the ‘Add Ticket’ box and add your tickets with details.

Adding Ticket Details: After clicking the “Add Ticket” button, provide the following information for the ticket.

  • Title: Enter a name for the ticket, such as Regular or VIP.
  • Status: Select the status of the ticket (e.g., Active, Inactive).
  • Date: Specify the sale date for this ticket variation.
  • Start and End Time: Set the start and end times for the sale of this ticket.
  • Limit: Define the total number of tickets available for this type/variation.
  • Price:Assign a price for the ticket. And free event please enable `Free` button.
  • Commission: For disable Commission please disable Commission button

Complete these fields to configure the ticket variation successfully.

Finally, To create a ticket, click the “Create Ticket” button. Your event ticket will be created successfully.

To create multiple tickets, click on the “Add Ticket” section again. You can create various types of ticket variations for events, such as Regular, VIP, and more, while setting different prices for each ticket type to suit your event’s needs.

Manage Upcoming & Past Events

After creating a new event, it will be automatically categorized based on its scheduled date. Events with a date that is today or in the future will appear on the Upcoming Events page. This ensures that all future events are easily accessible and prominently displayed.

On the other hand, events with a date earlier than today will be moved to the Past Events section. This helps in organizing events and allows the admin to efficiently manage and review completed events.

Actions for Upcoming and Past Events: In the Action row of the admin panel, a hover menu provides the following options for managing events.

  • View: Opens the single event page to view details.
  • Edit: Allows editing of the specific event page.
  • Delete: Deletes the selected event. Bulk action options are also available for deleting single or multiple events simultaneously.
  • Duplicate: Quickly duplicates an event. Simply click this option to create a copy of the event.
  • Sold Tickets: Displays detailed information about tickets sold for the event.

  • Reviews: Users can provide reviews and ratings for events directly from their dashboard. All submitted reviews will be displayed in this section, organized by event, for easy management and reference.
    How to provide a review, please click in here.

Organizers Managements

To manage organizers, navigate to EventClick → Organizer.
On this page, all organizers and speakers are listed. Based on their roles, an organizer can also be assigned as a speaker.
To view detailed information about a specific organizer, go to the Action row, hover over the menu, and click View. You can also easily edit or delete organizers directly from this menu. Additionally, a bulk action option is available, allowing you to delete single or multiple organizers at once.

To create a new organizer, click the “Add New” button in the header section. This will allow you to add a new organizer to the system.


To manage Category, navigate to EventClick → Category. Categories are used to organize and manage events effectively. When creating a new event, the admin can select appropriate categories to classify the event.


Tags are a powerful tool for organizing and managing events.
To manage Tags, navigate to EventClick → Tags. When creating a new event, the admin can assign relevant tags to help classify the event, making it easier to search and categorize.

EventClick Settings

  • Payment Gateway Configuration:

    EventClick simplifies transaction management by integrating payment options with Stripe and PayPal.

    To configure all settings for EventClick, navigate to EventClick → Settings → Payment Gateway.

    In the Payment Gateway section, you can enable PayPal and Stripe payments. Once enabled, provide all the necessary information required for each payment gateway to ensure smooth transactions.

  • Platform Commission:

    The Platform Commission settings allow administrators to configure how the platform charges commission on transactions. This section provides two key fields to customize the commission:

    • Commission Type: This dropdown menu lets you choose the type of commission to apply. The available options are:
      – Fixed: A fixed monetary amount is charged per transaction.
      – Percentage: A percentage of the transaction amount is charged as commission.
    • Commission: This input field defines the value of the commission based on the selected commission type:
      – If Fixed is selected, enter the fixed amount to be charged (e.g., `2` for a $2 fixed commission).
      – If Percentage is selected, enter the percentage to be charged (e.g., `10` for a 10% commission).

    Save Changes: After configuring the commission settings, click the Save Changes button at the bottom right to apply and save your updates.

  • Shortcodes:

    EventClick provides a variety of shortcodes for displaying event-related content on your WordPress site. Below is a list of available shortcodes and their usage.

    • Upcoming event listing:

      Display a list of upcoming events. In the page add this shortcode. [eventclick]

    • Past event listing:

      Display a list of past events. [eventclick-past-event]

    • Events tab view:

      Display events in a tabbed layout for easy navigation between upcoming and past events. [eventclick-tab-view]

    • Ticket purchase Form:

      Display a ticket purchase form for a specific event. Replace event_id with the ID of the event. [eventclick_purchase_form event_id=”]

    • Event Organizers Shortcode:

      Display a list of event organizers. [eventclick_organizer_list]

    • Event Speakers Shortcode:

      Display a list of event speakers. [eventclick_speaker_list]

  • This logo only allows for invoice and ticket download files.

  • Customizer:

    EventClick plugin all frontend view style customize handle in here.

  • Integrations:

    The Google Map Integration settings allow administrators to enable and configure Google Maps for their platform, facilitating location-based features such as hosting online events.

    • Enable Google Map: Toggle this switch to enable or disable the Google Map functionality.
      – On: Enables the integration and allows Google Maps to function on the platform.
      – Off: Disables the integration, hiding or removing Google Map features.
    • Google Map API Key: This input field is used to enter your Google Map API Key.
      – Ensure you have a valid API key from the Google Cloud Console.
      – Enter the key in the provided field.
      – Use the eye icon next to the input field to toggle the visibility of the entered API key for confirmation.

    Save Changes: Once you’ve enabled Google Maps and entered the API key, click the Save Changes button at the bottom right to apply and save your settings.

  • Custom CSS:

    If you want to write custom css. And then this panel allow to write your custom css.

Extra Information

Thank you for your attention!

If you have any question, please create a topic at our FORUM, we will support within 24 hours.

Users Dashboard

EventClick Login and Register page

After installing the EventClick plugin, the “EventClick My Account” page will be automatically generated. This page serves as the login and registration page, allowing users to easily log in or register for an account.

Once logged in, users will gain access to their personalized User Dashboard, where they can manage their events, tickets, and other account details.

The Ticket Information

The Ticket Information section of the user dashboard provides users with detailed insights about their purchased event tickets. Below is a breakdown of the features and functionalities available in this section: Displays a list of purchased tickets with detailed information for each event.

Ticket Details

Each ticket entry includes the following information:

  • Event Name: The title of the event (e.g., “Advanced JavaScript Conference 2025”).
  • Ticket ID: A unique identifier for the ticket.
  • Event Time: The scheduled date and time of the event.
  • Venue Address: The location where the event will take place.
  • Quantity and Ticket Type: Displays the number of tickets purchased and the type (e.g., “X1 – VIP”).
  • Ticket Fee: The total cost of the ticket(s).
  • Purchase Date: The exact date and time when the ticket was purchased.
Ticket Status

Each ticket includes a status indicator:

  • Confirmed: Indicates the ticket has been successfully purchased.
  • Unpaid: Highlights tickets that are reserved but not yet paid for.
Available Actions
  • For each ticket, users can perform the following actions:
  • Download Ticket (For Confirmed Tickets):
  • A button allows users to download the ticket as a PDF or other supported format.
  • Make Payment (For Unpaid Tickets):
  • Redirects users to a payment gateway to complete the purchase.
  • Add Review:
    • Provides an option to submit feedback or review for the event after attending.

Event Single Page

Each event has a dedicated page displaying comprehensive details. On this page, users can:

  • Purchase Tickets: Buy event tickets easily with integrated payment options via PayPal and Stripe.
  • Select Specific Time: Choose a preferred time for the event, if applicable.
  • Event Information: View all event-related details, including the agenda, location, and schedule.
  • Speaker and Organizer Lists: See a complete list of speakers and organizers associated with the event.
  • This detailed page ensures users have all the information they need to participate in the event.

Extra Information

Thank you for your attention!

If you have any question, please create a topic at our FORUM, we will support within 24 hours.